Working with Spacer Blocks
When designing a template, often there are times when you might simply want a little extra space, and transparent dividers or padding just don't cut it.
That's why BEE has introduced the Spacer Block for this purpose.
This block, as its name implies, simply adds space to your template. With this, you can more easily streamline the process of adding space, as well as increase discoverability of this feature of the editor for your users.
How it works
The Spacer Block works like any other content block - just drop it into your template to get started. Once there, you can customize how much space you want, as well as what devices you want it hidden on:
By default, the block will have a height of 60px, although this can be altered by the host application by adding Content Defaults for Spacer in the plugin configuration.
How to implement it
As with most of our features, this feature will ship as OFF by default for all existing applications to ensure peace of mind.
However, since we believe this feature has particular usefulness for our Page Builder applications, the feature will be ON by default for all new Page Builder applications.
To toggle the feature on or off, you must simply switch the toggle in your Application Configuration section of your Developer Portal.
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