Adding video to your email
An Easy Way to Add Content from YouTube or Vimeo
The video content block allows you to share your video content in an easy way in your emails. You only need to copy and paste the URL of your video from YouTube or Vimeo. BEE will do the rest: it will grab the cover image for the video, overlay a play icon on top of it, and link it to the video content.
How it Works
You will find a Video tile in the Content panel. Drag it into your design to get started.
The Content properties section will ask you to provide a video URL from YouTube or Vimeo. These are the popular video hosting services that we currently support.
Videos hosted by Vimeo will only work if they are set to "public". All other security settings available within Vimeo (e.g. "Hide from") will generate a different link format that is not supported by the video content block. These types of links will be altered by the builder, which prevents us from generating a thumbnail.
Select the icon type that fits your design:
Choose the color that looks best with your cover image:
Pick a size. You're all done!
Notes about embedding video in email
This feature does not embed the actual video in the email designed with BEE, but rather links to it in a smart way.
Note for Beefree SDK Users
If you embed the BEE editor into your application (i.e. you are a Beefree SDK user), you need to enable this feature in the Beefree SDK Developer Portal under Application details > Application configuration > Content settings. You can read more on server-side configurations in our Beefree SDK doc.
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