Where are messages saved?
Beefree SDK does not store any messages.
When the user of the editor saves a message by clicking on a "Save" button (in the editor's default toolbar or in your application's user interface), the SDK will call the function that you have specified in the configuration and return:
- a JSON file
- an HTML file
Saving a message
In your application, you will want to save:
- the JSON file to allow the user to edit the message again later
- the HTML file so that the message can be sent as an HTML email
Where is it saved?
It's entirely up to you how and where to save these files. You can save them as individual files in a file system, or save the code in a database field, for example.
Messages or templates?
There is no difference between a message and a template as far as the BEE editor is concerned: it's just a JSON file that you pass to the editor to allow your users to create a message (starting from a JSON document that you previously saved and present to them in a template catalog) or edit an existing message (starting from the JSON document that you saved when the user previously worked on it).
There are three methods that save a document: Save, SaveAsTemplate, and AutoSave: see all the details in Configuring the editor.
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